I want to help youths build mental resilience

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Watch Let’s Talk, For Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative
Panel Dialogue

Let’s Talk, For Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative Panel Dialogue
An RC survey found that less than 20% of youths are willing to speak to their parents about their mental health struggles, leading most to search for help without their parents’ knowledge. In contrast, 100% of parents would want their child to speak to them about their struggles.

What is preventing conversations about mental health between parents and their children?

These findings only emphasise the need for timely mental health conversations to help youths step out of the shadows to seek help and for parents to understand the gravity of their struggles.

To do that, we need your support. Help us to break down these barriers through Let’s Talk, for Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative.

This series of dialogues is part of the Let’s Talk, For Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative which will see youths, parents and community engage in open and meaningful conversations on mental health, and the creation of youth-centric safe spaces and holistic programmes for recovery and support.
Let’s Talk, For Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative

Youths are at higher risk of mental health challenges
According to the 2016 Singapore Mental Health Survey, 1 in 5 youths will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This number today is likely to be higher.

Let’s Talk, For Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative
Help youths to step out of the shadows of mental health stigma and seek help. Support their recovery journeys with Let’s Talk, For Real: A Youth Mental Resilience Initiative.
Let’s Talk, For Real will engage youths, their families and community as one, in honest and real conversations relating to mental health.
Holistic peer-delivered programmes and support networks under the initiative will enable youths to learn recovery strategies and build mental resilience in non-judgmental safe spaces, and to be equipped to support fellow peers.
Hear from empowered youths in recovery

Resilience Collective has walked alongside Karen and Edina on their recovery journeys through peer support initiatives and resilience education that place strong value on the lived experience of a mental health condition.
Today, they are facilitators for our initiatives and are contributing actively to mental health solutioning.

I want to help youths build mental resilience


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